Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Race Day Countdown!

~*~*~When you're facing a struggle, your mind will tell you to stop, give up, quit. DON'T. That's precisely the point when you need to tell your mind that YOU'RE in control and that you're NOT stopping until you see VICTORY!!!*~*~*

I realized tonight that I haven't updated you all on my training in a while. It's been going GREAT! I mean, better than I could've ever imagined! I've learned so much about myself over these past few months of training and I can honestly say that I am a better me because of it. Race day is this Sunday, May 13 (yes, I'm racing on Mother's Day! it's actually a treat to myself :)). 

For some reason my nerves were higher than usual this evening as I set out for my 3.1-mile run. It was warm and humid; before I even got into the second mile I got a stitch, which I hadn't experienced in a while. Then a short distance later I got another one. But I fought through them and pressed on!

Another interesting thing happened during my run today. At the points when I was struggling, I found that I had to do more than just pump my arms more to go faster. I literally had to focus my mind on my feet and force them to go faster and drive harder. But that's what we have to do with any struggle we face in life, isn't it? Dig in a little deeper. Stand up one more time. Speak words of victory over ourselves and stay focused on the goal, not the obstacles.

And I've been talking to myself more while running to help keep my mind focused on winning. And today I visualized and focused on the number 29 because I knew I could finish in that time (or less) because I'd done it on Saturday. I just had to keep pushing myself. 

My end time today? 28:46!!! Best time EVER!!!

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