Saturday, January 28, 2012


There's something about consistently retaining length that builds your confidence. Before I started this hair growth journey last April, I was easily tempted to jump on any product and/or technique bandwagon that I came across. Then, as I researched more and more, I began to learn about all the "do's" and "don'ts" of caring for natural hair. For the most part, things made sense. But every so often I would come across information that wouldn't make sense to me and I'd become confused. I feel like that can happen to anyone with all the information out there, especially if you're newly natural or unfamiliar with how to care for your hair.

Fortunately for me, I found a regimen that works for me, I stuck with it and now I'm reaping the rewards of consistency. But even now, when on my research kicks I still come across information that runs counter to my regimen or my daughter's regimen. But since I'm retaining length and my strands appear healthy and strong, and my daughter's hair is growing as well, I don't have to concern myself with that kind of info. I can just keep it movin'.

There's a TON of natural hair info out there, and you'll drive yourself crazy if you try to apply it all to your regimen. My advice? Listen to your hair and DO YOU. 

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